My name is
Jivan Ananta
and I welcome you to my website.
I am the facilitator for the programs and sessions shared here on these pages.
The various events, courses, retreats, trainings and individual sessions offer new ways to discover more of yourself, heal, transform, expand and grow in your consciousness.
All the programs are an invitation to experience the science and magic of meditation.​
The various methods that I use are a blend of western psychology, meditative awareness techniques, energy work, healing and ancient wisdom.
You learn to live your life more consciously,
and this inner change can flower into your awakening.
My love and joy is to inspire, encourage and accompany you.
My work as a facilitator is a sharing of my own inner experiences, discoveries and learnings. All the programs I offer are meant to empower you, to wake you up and to teach you new ways and methods supporting your unique life path, your time in the body.
The various workshops, courses, trainings and sessions invite you to explore and experience your inside, your inner world. In this way you become more aware and conscious in an easy way. You learn how to turn your focus to yourself so that you become more aware of your inner reality.
We are part of something vast that we call 'Life'. To me this 'Life' happens like a divine miraculous play. It is an ongoing invitation to discover more and more about who I am and my potential as a human being. Osho, my spiritual master, calls this potential 'the remembrance of our Buddha nature'.
The tools I use are ancient Shamanic, Tantric and Esoteric methods such as Light Work, Channelling, Tantra, Alchemical Transformation, Spiritism, Energy Healing, Mediumship, Reiki, Shamanism and other healing techniques.
Essential to all the programs is the experience of the many different methods of meditation that I have explored myself. I share and teach all of the OSHO Meditations (Active and Passive), other Meditative Techniques that Osho gave to seekers as well as the 112 Meditations from the Indian Vigyan Bhairav Tantra tradition known as the OSHO Book of Secrets.
Opening to the reality beyond mind, expanding your knowing of who you essentially are even beyond your soul, tasting the bliss of being, and maybe merging into silence ...
All this is my invitation to you to discover and to experience.
Here is the introduction to my online program
which I call the
This virtual school represents a space that offers you possibilities
to learn new ways for a more conscious and meditative living.
A more conscious and deeper contact with yourself opens to all that is good in life
and teaches you about who you truly are and what life is.​
The programs I offer are just like a rich buffet of possibilities to learn more about yourself,
to move deeper within and to expand into the Unknown, the New.
Online I offer OSHO meditations, events, weekend workshops and retreats@home.
Currently the Online School is taking a break.
The new program will be available here hopefully soon.
You can sign up for the Newsletter below to get updates
or enjoy visiting this page again.
If you are looking for a more personal support you can one of the following
Currently I offer
Metaphysical Reading
The Alchemy Package
Inner Guidance
Follow the link below to read about each session approach.
If you are interested in a distant healing treatment,
send me a message via the contact form.

Osho and the vision for a new humanity, the vision he referred to as the 'New Man' or 'Zorba the Buddha', are the foundation and inspiration of my work. The 'New Man' Osho often talks about - in my understanding - points to our evolution or potential as a human being. This evolution reflects in our individual experiences in daily life as challenges, learnings, change and new openings. Whatever we experience day by day is an invitation to grow, to become more conscious.
This existential vision is about a melting of the spiritual and material, the sacred and the profane, the female and the male, the outer and the inner as a transcendence and transmutation of opposites into something completely new and unknown.
It is a closing of the Past and an opening to the Now.
This Now is the birth of the New.
And this 'New Man' is a way for you and me and everybody to evolve into our true potential,
being an awakened human being.
Osho says:
" Become more alert, more conscious. Just go deeper and deeper into yourself till you find the center of your being. You are living on the periphery, and on the periphery there is always turmoil. The deeper you go, the deeper the silence that prevails.. And in those experiences of silence, light, joy, your life starts moving into a different dimension. The errors, the mistakes start disappearing.
So don't be worried about the errors, the mistakes and the faults. Be concerned about one single thing, one single phenomenon; put your total energy into one goal, and that is how to be more conscious, how to be more awakened. "
Excerpt from the discourse series
'The Dhammapada: The Way of the Buddha', Vol. 11
(Discourse 4)
If you want to know more about Osho, here is the link to the official website.
Since the beginning of the 1990's I am part of the facilitator team
at the most beautiful oasis for meditation called the
OSHO International Meditation Resort in Pune (India).
Many friends, disciples and devotees of Osho created, maintained and expanded this place over decades with their various contributions.
And all are welcome to visit and experience this Buddhafield.